SmartPhone Vs DSLR and Comparison Between SmartPhone Camera Vs DSLR

SmartPhone Vs DSLR :

Comparison Between Smart phone Camera Vs DSLR

Now a days almost every phone is built with 3-4 cameras, Dual on back and 1-2 on front side. They are equipped with great optics and good enough aperture which is very convenient to carry and hold. Then why do we need DSLR ?  Lets explore SmartPhone Vs DSLR and Comparison Between SmartPhone Camera Vs DSLR. Nothing can beat the convenience now a days where everyone wants instant photo. Maximum chances are it’s in your pocket already, so it’s easy to take it out and snap a quick photo whenever the mood strikes you or you came across any scene.

Everybody is looking for Bokeh-licious pictures like a DSLR but nobody wants to carry a bulky DSLR with big n long lenses. People spends 60-70k on iPhones/Google Pixel just because its portable, they got good optics with widest aperture and most hyped DSLR mode where background is Blurred.
I can’t remember the last time I saw a professional using an iPhone/pixel to shoot eclipse or a Galaxy S8 in the hands of a wedding photographer. Its definitely not logical .. :(
Now, the big question is, Why do you need a phone for photography. ? You want something to carry with you all the time .. right ?

Comparison Between Smart phone Camera Vs DSLR

So lets find out practical real life Comparison Between Smart phone Camera Vs DSLR

Friend, there are 2 things.

First, if something is very flexible that it does everything you throw at it, then I am sure that thing is called "Jack of all trades, master of none"

Second, if you really want to go for photography then buy a entry level dslr (D3300/D3400) which costs you 25k rather than iphone/galaxy s8/one plus 5 which costs you minimum 30–50k. It depends on you, how serious you are about photography or you want just casual shots then any phone is enough. And you should not be reading this blog further.

Now lets come to practical part of Photography  and see how Comparison Between Smart phone Camera Vs DSLR stands out in real life  scenarios :


NO PHONE can give you the same picture quality as of DSLR, coz of simple reason as explained in image below :

Comparison Between Smart phone Camera Vs DSLR

No matter how amazing technology gets, there are some fundamental limitations that will more or less always be in the way of smartphones, even in iPhones. Larger sensors are, in general, better sensors. They can gather more light and offer more depth of field control and with that large sensor you can get images that are practically impossible with a phone.
Those small sensors we see inside smartphones, even with an f/1.7 lens, cannot offer great DOF control or Bokeh effect which everyone today is aware of :) this term was meant for DSLR only earlier.. :P

Whatever the pictures we takes on phone like, take an example of most infamous portrait mode. Smartphones takes normal picture first and then uses software to blur the background. Here phone uses data captured by secondary camera (part of dual lens) and later this data is used by a program to blur the subject background, this is purely artificial, right.

you can not compare effects generated by lens optics, sensor size and its aperture values, whereas in mobile its all kind of artificial.
If someone still  thinks iphones can generate better or even similar quality of image than DSLR, then you should ask professional.. why they don’t use iphone or pixel to shoot in Amazon Forest … :)


The higher megapixel doesn't guarantee you a better quality picture. The Nokia 808 had a huge 41MP camera but its sensor size was 1/1.2 inches. Where as an entry level DSLR like Nikon D3300 has 24.2 MP camera but since it has a APS-C CMOS sensor with size 23.5 x 15.6 mm, it can gather way more details than what smartphone cameras does.
So you should never be under the myth of megapixels which advertisers uses now a days to attract customers.


This is most underrated functionality of DSLR which nobody talks about. This is a brain of any camera which puts together each tiny bit of information like colors, image sensor correction, dark frame subtraction, noise reduction, image sharpening, scaling and many more.

Now the difference here is DSLR has a dedicated brain only for image processing, nothing else. While in smartphone a generic processor does everything, from handling your daily tasks to capture image and processing as well. So there has to be a difference in the quality of work you will get as output.

Conclusion :

Comparison Between Smart phone Camera Vs DSLR : Which one is better for Photography.

With the rise of smartphones and technology inside it, obviously phones and its camera has come a long way. The quality of pictures is also increased drastically with many filters and in-camera processing software. Also its more portable than a bulky DSLR and images can be shared rather quickly by smartphone on social medias.

But when you look closely, smartphone uses software to get the desired output like blur or in-build effects which is all artificial. Where as in DSLRs all the effects generated by optics and it depends how you used different settings. So its always better to know the actual technics on how optics sensor and setting works together rather than depending on various effects generated by mobile cameras.

Still I would say, for casual shots and for fun times Smartphone is definitely your friend but when you get serious about photography then at some point you will definitely feel that your smartphone is restricting you and that day you will automatically get hundreds of reasons to upgrade yourself with DSLR :)

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